Listen to Fastmail CEO Bron Gondwana talk about JMAP on the Digital Citizen Podcast

JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP)

This document specifies the core protocol for synchronising JSON-based data objects efficiently, with support for push and out-of-band binary data upload/download.

This is then built upon to provide mail, contacts and calendar synchronisation protocols.


The JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP) is used for synchronising data, such as mail, calendars, or contacts, between a client and a server. It is optimised for mobile and web environments and aims to provide a consistent interface to different data types.

This specification is for the generic mechanism of data synchronisation. Further specifications define the data models for different data types that may be synchronised via JMAP.

JMAP is designed to make efficient use of limited network resources. Multiple API calls may be batched in a single request to the server, reducing round trips and improving battery life on mobile devices. Push connections remove the need for polling, and an efficient delta update mechanism ensures a minimum amount of data is transferred.

JMAP is designed to be horizontally scalable to a very large number of users. This is facilitated by separate endpoints for users after login, the separation of binary and structured data, and a data model for sharing that does not allow data dependencies between accounts.

Notational Conventions

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [@!RFC2119] [@!RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

The underlying format used for this specification is JSON. Consequently, the terms “object” and “array” as well as the four primitive types (strings, numbers, booleans, and null) are to be interpreted as described in Section 1 of [@!RFC8259]. Unless otherwise noted, all the property names and values are case sensitive.

Some examples in this document contain “partial” JSON documents used for illustrative purposes. In these examples, three periods “…” are used to indicate a portion of the document that has been removed for compactness.

For compatibility with publishing requirements, line breaks have been inserted inside long JSON strings, with the following continuation lines indented. To form the valid JSON example, any line breaks inside a string must be replaced with a space and any other white space after the line break removed.

Unless otherwise specified, examples of API exchanges only show the methodCalls array of the Request object or the methodResponses array of the Response object. For compactness, the rest of the Request/Response object is omitted.

Type signatures are given for all JSON values in this document. The following conventions are used:

Other types may also be given, with their representation defined elsewhere in this document.

Object properties may also have a set of attributes defined along with the type signature. These have the following meanings:

The Id Data Type

All record ids are assigned by the server and are immutable.

Where Id is given as a data type, it means a String of at least 1 and a maximum of 255 octets in size, and it MUST only contain characters from the “URL and Filename Safe” base64 alphabet, as defined in Section 5 of [@!RFC4648], excluding the pad character (=). This means the allowed characters are the ASCII alphanumeric characters (A-Za-z0-9), hyphen (-), and underscore (_).

These characters are safe to use in almost any context (e.g., filesystems, URIs, and IMAP atoms). For maximum safety, servers SHOULD also follow defensive allocation strategies to avoid creating risks where glob completion or data type detection may be present (e.g., on filesystems or in spreadsheets). In particular, it is wise to avoid:

A good solution to these issues is to prefix every id with a single alphabetical character.

The Int and UnsignedInt Data Types

Where Int is given as a data type, it means an integer in the range -2^53+1 <= value <= 2^53-1, the safe range for integers stored in a floating-point double, represented as a JSON Number.

Where UnsignedInt is given as a data type, it means an Int where the value MUST be in the range 0 <= value <= 2^53-1.

The Date and UTCDate Data Types

Where Date is given as a type, it means a string in date-time format [@!RFC3339]. To ensure a normalised form, the time-secfrac MUST always be omitted if zero, and any letters in the string (e.g., “T” and “Z”) MUST be uppercase. For example, "2014-10-30T14:12:00+08:00".

Where UTCDate is given as a type, it means a Date where the time-offset component MUST be Z (i.e., it must be in UTC time). For example, "2014-10-30T06:12:00Z".

JSON as the Data Encoding Format

JSON is a text-based data interchange format as specified in [@!RFC8259]. The Internet JSON (I-JSON) format defined in [@!RFC7493] is a strict subset of this, adding restrictions to avoid potentially confusing scenarios (for example, it mandates that an object MUST NOT have two members with the same name).

All data sent from the client to the server or from the server to the client (except binary file upload/download) MUST be valid I-JSON according to the RFC and is therefore case sensitive and encoded in UTF-8 [@!RFC3629].



A user is a person accessing data via JMAP. A user has a set of permissions determining the data that they can see.


An account is a collection of data. A single account may contain an arbitrary set of data types, for example, a collection of mail, contacts, and calendars. Most JMAP methods take a mandatory accountId argument that specifies on which account the operations are to take place.

An account is not the same as a user, although it is common for a primary account to directly belong to the user. For example, you may have an account that contains data for a group or business, to which multiple users have access.

A single set of credentials may provide access to multiple accounts, for example, if another user is sharing their work calendar with the authenticated user or if there is a group mailbox for a support-desk inbox.

In the event of a severe internal error, a server may have to reallocate ids or do something else that violates standard JMAP data constraints for an account. In this situation, the data on the server is no longer compatible with cached data the client may have from before. The server MUST treat this as though the account has been deleted and then recreated with a new account id. Clients will then be forced to throw away any data with the old account id and refetch all data from scratch.

Data Types and Records

JMAP provides a uniform interface for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting various types of objects. A data type is a collection of named, typed properties, just like the schema for a database table. Each instance of a data type is called a record.

The id of a record is immutable and assigned by the server. The id MUST be unique among all records of the same type within the same account. Ids may clash across accounts or for two records of different types within the same account.

The JMAP API Model

JMAP uses HTTP [@!RFC7230] to expose API, push, upload and download resources. All HTTP requests MUST use the https:// scheme (HTTP over TLS [@!RFC2818]). All HTTP requests MUST be authenticated.

An authenticated client can fetch the user’s Session object with details about the data and capabilities the server can provide as shown in Section 2. The client may then exchange data with the server in the following ways:

  1. The client may make an API request to the server to get or set structured data. This request consists of an ordered series of method calls. These are processed by the server, which then returns an ordered series of responses. This is described in Sections 3, 4, and 5.
  2. The client may download or upload binary files from/to the server. This is detailed in Section 6.
  3. The client may connect to a push channel on the server, to be notified when data has changed. This is explained in Section 7.

Vendor-Specific Extensions

Individual services will have custom features they wish to expose over JMAP. This may take the form of extra data types and/or methods not in the spec, extra arguments to JMAP methods, or extra properties on existing data types (which may also appear in arguments to methods that take property names).

The server can advertise custom extensions it supports by including the identifiers in the capabilities object. Identifiers for vendor extensions MUST be a URL belonging to a domain owned by the vendor, to avoid conflict. The URL SHOULD resolve to documentation for the changes the extension makes.

The client MUST opt in to use an extension by passing the appropriate capability identifier in the using array of the Request object, as described in Section 3.3. The server MUST only follow the specifications that are opted into and behave as though it does not implement anything else when processing a request. This is to ensure compatibility with clients that don’t know about a specific custom extension and for compatibility with future versions of JMAP.

The JMAP Session Resource

You need two things to connect to a JMAP server:

  1. The URL for the JMAP Session resource. This may be requested directly from the user or discovered automatically based on a username domain (see Section 2.2 below).
  2. Credentials to authenticate with. How to obtain credentials is out of scope for this document.

A successful authenticated GET request to the JMAP Session resource MUST return a JSON-encoded Session object, giving details about the data and capabilities the server can provide to the client given those credentials. It has the following properties:

To ensure future compatibility, other properties MAY be included on the Session object. Clients MUST ignore any properties they are not expecting.

Implementors must take care to avoid inappropriate caching of the Session object at the HTTP layer. Since the client should only refetch when it detects there is a change (via the sessionState property of an API response), it is RECOMMENDED to disable HTTP caching altogether, for example, by setting Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate on the response.


In the following example Session object, the user has access to their own mail and contacts via JMAP, as well as read-only access to shared mail from another user. The server is advertising a custom capability.

  "capabilities": {
    "urn:ietf:params:jmap:core": {
      "maxSizeUpload": 50000000,
      "maxConcurrentUpload": 8,
      "maxSizeRequest": 10000000,
      "maxConcurrentRequests": 8,
      "maxCallsInRequest": 32,
      "maxObjectsInGet": 256,
      "maxObjectsInSet": 128,
      "collationAlgorithms": [
    "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail": {},
    "urn:ietf:params:jmap:contacts": {},
    "": {
      "maxFoosFinangled": 42
  "accounts": {
    "A13824": {
      "name": "",
      "isPersonal": true,
      "isReadOnly": false,
      "accountCapabilities": {
        "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail": {
          "maxMailboxesPerEmail": null,
          "maxMailboxDepth": 10,
        "urn:ietf:params:jmap:contacts": {
    "A97813": {
      "name": "",
      "isPersonal": false,
      "isReadOnly": true,
      "accountCapabilities": {
        "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail": {
          "maxMailboxesPerEmail": 1,
          "maxMailboxDepth": 10,
  "primaryAccounts": {
    "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail": "A13824",
    "urn:ietf:params:jmap:contacts": "A13824"
  "username": "",
  "apiUrl": "",
  "downloadUrl": "
  "uploadUrl": "{accountId}/",
  "eventSourceUrl": "
  "state": "75128aab4b1b"

Service Autodiscovery

There are two standardised autodiscovery methods in use for Internet protocols:

A JMAP-supporting host for the domain SHOULD publish a SRV record that gives a hostname and port (usually port 443). The JMAP Session resource is then https://${hostname}[:${port}]/.well-known/jmap (following any redirects).

If the client has a username in the form of an email address, it MAY use the domain portion of this to attempt autodiscovery of the JMAP server.

Structured Data Exchange

The client may make an API request to the server to get or set structured data. This request consists of an ordered series of method calls. These are processed by the server, which then returns an ordered series of responses.

Making an API Request

To make an API request, the client makes an authenticated POST request to the API resource, which is defined by the apiUrl property in the Session object (see Section 2).

The request MUST be of type application/json and consist of a single JSON-encoded Request object, as defined in Section 3.3. If successful, the response MUST also be of type application/json and consist of a single Response object, as defined in Section 3.4.

The Invocation Data Type

Method calls and responses are represented by the Invocation data type. This is a tuple, represented as a JSON array containing three elements:

  1. A String name of the method to call or of the response.
  2. A String[*] object containing named arguments for that method or response.
  3. A String method call id: an arbitrary string from the client to be echoed back with the responses emitted by that method call (a method may return 1 or more responses, as it may make implicit calls to other methods; all responses initiated by this method call get the same method call id in the response).

The Request Object

A Request object has the following properties:

Future specifications MAY add further properties to the Request object to extend the semantics. To ensure forwards compatibility, a server MUST ignore any other properties it does not understand on the JMAP Request object.

Example Request

  "using": [ "urn:ietf:params:jmap:core", "urn:ietf:params:jmap:mail" ],
  "methodCalls": [
    [ "method1", {
      "arg1": "arg1data",
      "arg2": "arg2data"
    }, "c1" ],
    [ "method2", {
      "arg1": "arg1data"
    }, "c2" ],
    [ "method3", {}, "c3" ]

The Response Object

A Response object has the following properties:

Unless otherwise specified, if the method call completed successfully, its response name is the same as the method name in the request.

Example Response:

  "methodResponses": [
    [ "method1", {
      "arg1": 3,
      "arg2": "foo"
    }, "c1" ],
    [ "method2", {
      "isBlah": true
    }, "c2" ],
    [ "anotherResponseFromMethod2", {
      "data": 10,
      "yetmoredata": "Hello"
    }, "c2"],
    [ "error", {
    }, "c3" ]
  "sessionState": "75128aab4b1b"

Omitting Arguments

An argument to a method may be specified to have a default value. If omitted by the client, the server MUST treat the method call the same as if the default value had been specified. Similarly, the server MAY omit any argument in a response that has the default value.

Unless otherwise specified in a method description, null is the default value for any argument in a request or response where this is allowed by the type signature. Other arguments may only be omitted if an explicit default value is defined in the method description.


There are three different levels of granularity at which an error may be returned in JMAP.

When an API request is made, the request as a whole may be rejected due to rate limiting, malformed JSON, request for an unknown capability, etc. In this case, the entire request is rejected with an appropriate HTTP error response code and an additional JSON body with more detail for the client.

Provided the request itself is syntactically valid (the JSON is valid and when decoded, it matches the type signature of a Request object), the methods within it are executed sequentially by the server. Each method may individually fail, for example, if invalid arguments are given or an unknown method name is called.

Finally, methods that make changes to the server state often act upon a number of different records within a single call. Each record change may be separately rejected with a SetError, as described in Section 5.3.

Request-Level Errors

When an HTTP error response is returned to the client, the server SHOULD return a JSON “problem details” object as the response body, as per [@!RFC7807].

The following problem types are defined:

  "type": "urn:ietf:params:jmap:error:unknownCapability",
  "status": 400,
  "detail": "The Request object used capability
    '', which is not supported
    by this server."

Another example:

  "type": "urn:ietf:params:jmap:error:limit",
  "limit": "maxSizeRequest",
  "status": 400,
  "detail": "The request is larger than the server is willing to process."

Method-Level Errors

If a method encounters an error, the appropriate error response MUST be inserted at the current point in the methodResponses array and, unless otherwise specified, further processing MUST NOT happen within that method call.

Any further method calls in the request MUST then be processed as normal. Errors at the method level MUST NOT generate an HTTP-level error.

An error response looks like this:

[ "error", {
  "type": "unknownMethod"
}, "call-id" ]

The response name is error, and it MUST have a type property. Other properties may be present with further information; these are detailed in the error type descriptions where appropriate.

With the exception of when the serverPartialFail error is returned, the externally visible state of the server MUST NOT have changed if an error is returned at the method level.

The following error types are defined, which may be returned for any method call where appropriate:

serverUnavailable: Some internal server resource was temporarily unavailable. Attempting the same operation later (perhaps after a backoff with a random factor) may succeed.

serverFail: An unexpected or unknown error occurred during the processing of the call. A description property should provide more details about the error. The method call made no changes to the server’s state. Attempting the same operation again is expected to fail again. Contacting the service administrator is likely necessary to resolve this problem if it is persistent.

serverPartialFail: Some, but not all, expected changes described by the method occurred. The client MUST resynchronise impacted data to determine server state. Use of this error is strongly discouraged.

unknownMethod: The server does not recognise this method name.

invalidArguments: One of the arguments is of the wrong type or is otherwise invalid, or a required argument is missing. A description property MAY be present to help debug with an explanation of what the problem was. This is a non-localised string, and it is not intended to be shown directly to end users.

invalidResultReference: The method used a result reference for one of its arguments (see Section 3.7), but this failed to resolve.

forbidden: The method and arguments are valid, but executing the method would violate an Access Control List (ACL) or other permissions policy.

accountNotFound: The accountId does not correspond to a valid account.

accountNotSupportedByMethod: The accountId given corresponds to a valid account, but the account does not support this method or data type.

accountReadOnly: This method modifies state, but the account is read-only (as returned on the corresponding Account object in the JMAP Session resource).

Further possible errors for a particular method are specified in the method descriptions.

Further general errors MAY be defined in future RFCs. Should a client receive an error type it does not understand, it MUST treat it the same as the serverFail type.

References to Previous Method Results

To allow clients to make more efficient use of the network and avoid round trips, an argument to one method can be taken from the result of a previous method call in the same request.

To do this, the client prefixes the argument name with # (an octothorpe). The value is a ResultReference object as described below. When processing a method call, the server MUST first check the arguments object for any names beginning with #. If found, the result reference should be resolved and the value used as the “real” argument. The method is then processed as normal. If any result reference fails to resolve, the whole method MUST be rejected with an invalidResultReference error. If an arguments object contains the same argument name in normal and referenced form (e.g., foo and #foo), the method MUST return an invalidArguments error.

A ResultReference object has the following properties:

To resolve:

  1. Find the first response with a method call id identical to the resultOf property of the ResultReference in the methodResponses array from previously processed method calls in the same request. If none, evaluation fails.

  2. If the response name is not identical to the name property of the ResultReference, evaluation fails.

  3. Apply the path to the arguments object of the response (the second item in the response array) following the JSON Pointer algorithm [@!RFC6901], except with the following addition in “Evaluation” (see Section 4):

    If the currently referenced value is a JSON array, the reference token may be exactly the single character *, making the new referenced value the result of applying the rest of the JSON Pointer tokens to every item in the array and returning the results in the same order in a new array.

    If the result of applying the rest of the pointer tokens to each item was itself an array, the contents of this array are added to the output rather than the array itself (i.e., the result is flattened from an array of arrays to a single array).

As a simple example, suppose we have the following API request methodCalls:

[[ "Foo/changes", {
    "accountId": "A1",
    "sinceState": "abcdef"
}, "t0" ],
[ "Foo/get", {
    "accountId": "A1",
    "#ids": {
        "resultOf": "t0",
        "name": "Foo/changes",
        "path": "/created"
}, "t1" ]]

After executing the first method call, the methodResponses array is:

[[ "Foo/changes", {
    "accountId": "A1",
    "oldState": "abcdef",
    "newState": "123456",
    "hasMoreChanges": false,
    "created": [ "f1", "f4" ],
    "updated": [],
    "destroyed": []
}, "t0" ]]

To execute the Foo/get call, we look through the arguments and find there is one with a # prefix. To resolve this, we apply the algorithm above:

  1. Find the first response with method call id “t0”. The Foo/changes response fulfils this criterion.
  2. Check that the response name is the same as in the result reference. It is, so this is fine.
  3. Apply the path as a JSON Pointer to the arguments object. This simply selects the “created” property, so the result of evaluating is: [ "f1", "f4" ].

The JMAP server now continues to process the Foo/get call as though the arguments were:

    "accountId": "A1",
    "ids": [ "f1", "f4" ]

Now, a more complicated example using the JMAP Mail data model: fetch the “from”/”date”/”subject” for every Email in the first 10 Threads in the inbox (sorted newest first):

[[ "Email/query", {
  "accountId": "A1",
  "filter": { "inMailbox": "id_of_inbox" },
  "sort": [{ "property": "receivedAt", "isAscending": false }],
  "collapseThreads": true,
  "position": 0,
  "limit": 10,
  "calculateTotal": true
}, "t0" ],
[ "Email/get", {
  "accountId": "A1",
  "#ids": {
    "resultOf": "t0",
    "name": "Email/query",
    "path": "/ids"
  "properties": [ "threadId" ]
}, "t1" ],
[ "Thread/get", {
  "accountId": "A1",
  "#ids": {
    "resultOf": "t1",
    "name": "Email/get",
    "path": "/list/*/threadId"
}, "t2" ],
[ "Email/get", {
  "accountId": "A1",
  "#ids": {
    "resultOf": "t2",
    "name": "Thread/get",
    "path": "/list/*/emailIds"
  "properties": [ "from", "receivedAt", "subject" ]
}, "t3" ]]

After executing the first 3 method calls, the methodResponses array might be:

[[ "Email/query", {
    "accountId": "A1",
    "queryState": "abcdefg",
    "canCalculateChanges": true,
    "position": 0,
    "total": 101,
    "ids": [ "msg1023", "msg223", "msg110", "msg93", "msg91",
        "msg38", "msg36", "msg33", "msg11", "msg1" ]
}, "t0" ],
[ "Email/get", {
    "accountId": "A1",
    "state": "123456",
    "list": [{
        "id": "msg1023",
        "threadId": "trd194"
    }, {
        "id": "msg223",
        "threadId": "trd114"
    "notFound": []
}, "t1" ],
[ "Thread/get", {
    "accountId": "A1",
    "state": "123456",
    "list": [{
        "id": "trd194",
        "emailIds": [ "msg1020", "msg1021", "msg1023" ]
    }, {
        "id": "trd114",
        "emailIds": [ "msg201", "msg223" ]
    "notFound": []
}, "t2" ]]

To execute the final Email/get call, we look through the arguments and find there is one with a # prefix. To resolve this, we apply the algorithm:

  1. Find the first response with method call id “t2”. The “Thread/get” response fulfils this criterion.
  2. “Thread/get” is the name specified in the result reference, so this is fine.
  3. Apply the path as a JSON Pointer to the arguments object. Token by token: 1) list: get the array of thread objects 2) *: for each of the items in the array: a) emailIds: get the array of Email ids b) Concatenate these into a single array of all the ids in the result.

The JMAP server now continues to process the Email/get call as though the arguments were:

    "accountId": "A1",
    "ids": [ "msg1020", "msg1021", "msg1023", "msg201", "msg223", ... ],
    "properties": [ "from", "receivedAt", "subject" ]

The ResultReference performs a similar role to that of the creation id, in that it allows a chained method call to refer to information not available when the request is generated.  However, they are different things and not interchangeable; the only commonality is the octothorpe used to indicate them.

Localisation of User-Visible Strings

If returning a custom string to be displayed to the user, for example, an error message, the server SHOULD use information from the Accept-Language header of the request (as defined in Section 5.3.5 of [@!RFC7231]) to choose the best available localisation. The Content-Language header of the response (see section of [@!RFC7231]) SHOULD indicate the language being used for user-visible strings.

For example, suppose a request was made with the following header:

Accept-Language: fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, de;q=0.8, en;q=0.7, *;q=0.5

and a method generated an error to display to the user. The server has translations of the error message in English and German. Looking at the Accept-Language header, the user’s preferred language is French. Since we don’t have a translation for this, we look at the next most preferred, which is German. We have a German translation, so the server returns this and indicates the language chosen in a Content-Language header like so:

Content-Language: de


As always, the server must be strict about data received from the client. Arguments need to be checked for validity; a malicious user could attempt to find an exploit through the API. In case of invalid arguments (unknown/insufficient/wrong type for data, etc.), the method MUST return an invalidArguments error and terminate.


Method calls within a single request MUST be executed in order. However, method calls from different concurrent API requests may be interleaved. This means that the data on the server may change between two method calls within a single API request.

The Core/echo Method

The Core/echo method returns exactly the same arguments as it is given. It is useful for testing if you have a valid authenticated connection to a JMAP API endpoint.



[[ "Core/echo", {
  "hello": true,
  "high": 5
}, "b3ff" ]]


[[ "Core/echo", {
  "hello": true,
  "high": 5
}, "b3ff" ]]

Standard Methods and Naming Convention

JMAP provides a uniform interface for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting objects of a particular type. For a Foo data type, records of that type would be fetched via a Foo/get call and modified via a Foo/set call. Delta updates may be fetched via a Foo/changes call. These methods all follow a standard format as described below.

Some types may not have all these methods. Specifications defining types MUST specify which methods are available for the type.


Objects of type Foo are fetched via a call to Foo/get.

It takes the following arguments:

The response has the following arguments:

The following additional error may be returned instead of the Foo/get response:

requestTooLarge: The number of ids requested by the client exceeds the maximum number the server is willing to process in a single method call.


When the state of the set of Foo records in an account changes on the server (whether due to creation, updates, or deletion), the state property of the Foo/get response will change. The Foo/changes method allows a client to efficiently update the state of its Foo cache to match the new state on the server. It takes the following arguments:

The response has the following arguments:

If a record has been created AND updated since the old state, the server SHOULD just return the id in the created list but MAY return it in the updated list as well.

If a record has been updated AND destroyed since the old state, the server SHOULD just return the id in the destroyed list but MAY return it in the updated list as well.

If a record has been created AND destroyed since the old state, the server SHOULD remove the id from the response entirely. However, it MAY include it in just the destroyed list or in both the destroyed and created lists.

If a maxChanges is supplied, or set automatically by the server, the server MUST ensure the number of ids returned across created, updated, and destroyed does not exceed this limit. If there are more changes than this between the client’s state and the current server state, the server SHOULD generate an update to take the client to an intermediate state, from which the client can continue to call Foo/changes until it is fully up to date. If it is unable to calculate an intermediate state, it MUST return a cannotCalculateChanges error response instead.

When generating intermediate states, the server may choose how to divide up the changes. For many types, it will provide a better user experience to return the more recent changes first, as this is more likely to be what the user is most interested in. The client can then continue to page in the older changes while the user is viewing the newer data. For example, suppose a server went through the following states:

A -> B -> C -> D -> E

And a client asks for changes from state B. The server might first get the ids of records created, updated, or destroyed between states D and E, returning them with:

state: "B-D-E"
hasMoreChanges: true

The client will then ask for the change from state B-D-E, and the server can return the changes between states C and D, returning:

state: "B-C-E"
hasMoreChanges: true

Finally, the client will request the changes from B-C-E and the server can return the changes between states B and C, returning:

state: "E"
hasMoreChanges: false

Should the state on the server be modified in the middle of all this (to F), the server still does the same, but now when the update to state E is returned, it would indicate that it still has more changes for the client to fetch.

Where multiple changes to a record are split across different intermediate states, the server MUST NOT return a record as created after a response that deems it as updated or destroyed, and it MUST NOT return a record as destroyed before a response that deems it as created or updated. The server may have to coalesce multiple changes to a record to satisfy this requirement.

The following additional errors may be returned instead of the Foo/changes response:

cannotCalculateChanges: The server cannot calculate the changes from the state string given by the client. Usually, this is due to the client’s state being too old or the server being unable to produce an update to an intermediate state when there are too many updates. The client MUST invalidate its Foo cache.

Maintaining state to allow calculation of Foo/changes can be expensive for the server, but always returning cannotCalculateChanges severely increases network traffic and resource usage for the client. To allow efficient sync, servers SHOULD be able to calculate changes from any state string that was given to a client within the last 30 days (but of course may support calculating updates from states older than this).


Modifying the state of Foo objects on the server is done via the Foo/set method. This encompasses creating, updating, and destroying Foo records. This allows the server to sort out ordering and dependencies that may exist if doing multiple operations at once (for example, to ensure there is always a minimum number of a certain record type).

The Foo/set method takes the following arguments:

Each creation, modification, or destruction of an object is considered an atomic unit. It is permissible for the server to commit changes to some objects but not others, however it MUST NOT only commit part of an update to a single record (e.g., update a name property but not a count property, if both are supplied in the update object).

The final state MUST be valid after the Foo/set is finished; however, the server may have to transition through invalid intermediate states (not exposed to the client) while processing the individual create/update/destroy requests. For example, suppose there is a “name” property that must be unique. A single method call could rename an object A => B and simultaneously rename another object B => A. If the final state is valid, this is allowed. Otherwise, each creation, modification, or destruction of an object should be processed sequentially and accepted/rejected based on the current server state.

If a create, update, or destroy is rejected, the appropriate error MUST be added to the notCreated/notUpdated/notDestroyed property of the response, and the server MUST continue to the next create/update/destroy. It does not terminate the method.

If an id given cannot be found, the update or destroy MUST be rejected with a notFound set error.

The server MAY skip an update (rejecting it with a willDestroy SetError) if that object is destroyed in the same /set request.

Some records may hold references to other records (foreign keys). That reference may be set (via create or update) in the same request as the referenced record is created. To do this, the client refers to the new record using its creation id prefixed with a #. The order of the method calls in the request by the client MUST be such that the record being referenced is created in the same or an earlier call. Thus, the server never has to look ahead. Instead, while processing a request, the server MUST keep a simple map for the duration of the request of creation id to record id for each newly created record, so it can substitute in the correct value if necessary in later method calls. In the case of records with references to the same type, the server MUST order the creates and updates within a single method call so that creates happen before their creation ids are referenced by another create/update/destroy in the same call.

Creation ids are not scoped by type but are a single map for all types. A client SHOULD NOT reuse a creation id anywhere in the same API request. If a creation id is reused, the server MUST map the creation id to the most recently created item with that id. To allow easy proxying of API requests, an initial set of creation id to real id values may be passed with a request (see “The Request Object”, Section 3.3) and the final state of the map passed out with the response (see “The Response Object”, Section 3.4).

The response has the following arguments:

A SetError object has the following properties:

The following SetError types are defined and may be returned for set operations on any record type where appropriate:

Other possible SetError types MAY be given in specific method descriptions. Other properties MAY also be present on the SetError object, as described in the relevant methods.

The following additional errors may be returned instead of the Foo/set response:

requestTooLarge: The total number of objects to create, update, or destroy exceeds the maximum number the server is willing to process in a single method call.

stateMismatch: An ifInState argument was supplied, and it does not match the current state.


The only way to move Foo records between two different accounts is to copy them using the Foo/copy method; once the copy has succeeded, delete the original. The onSuccessDestroyOriginal argument allows you to try to do this in one method call; however, note that the two different actions are not atomic, so it is possible for the copy to succeed but the original not to be destroyed for some reason.

The copy is conceptually in three phases:

  1. Reading the current values from the “from” account.
  2. Writing the new copies to the other account.
  3. Destroying the originals in the “from” account, if requested.

Data may change in between phases due to concurrent requests.

The Foo/copy method takes the following arguments:

Each record copy is considered an atomic unit that may succeed or fail individually.

The response has the following arguments:

The SetError may be any of the standard set errors returned for a create or update. In addition, the following SetError is defined:

alreadyExists: The server forbids duplicates, and the record already exists in the target account. An existingId property of type Id MUST be included on the SetError object with the id of the existing record.

The following additional errors may be returned instead of the Foo/copy response:

fromAccountNotFound: The fromAccountId does not correspond to a valid account.

fromAccountNotSupportedByMethod: The fromAccountId given corresponds to a valid account, but the account does not support this data type.

stateMismatch: An ifInState argument was supplied and it does not match the current state, or an ifFromInState argument was supplied and it does not match the current state in the from account.


For data sets where the total amount of data is expected to be very small, clients can just fetch the complete set of data and then do any sorting/filtering locally. However, for large data sets (e.g., multi-gigabyte mailboxes), the client needs to be able to search/sort/window the data type on the server.

A query on the set of Foos in an account is made by calling Foo/query. This takes a number of arguments to determine which records to include, how they should be sorted, and which part of the result should be returned (the full list may be very long). The result is returned as a list of Foo ids.

A call to Foo/query takes the following arguments:

If an anchor argument is given, the anchor is looked for in the results after filtering and sorting. If found, the anchorOffset is then added to its index. If the resulting index is now negative, it is clamped to 0. This index is now used exactly as though it were supplied as the position argument. If the anchor is not found, the call is rejected with an anchorNotFound error.

If an anchor is specified, any position argument supplied by the client MUST be ignored. If no anchor is supplied, any anchorOffset argument MUST be ignored.

A client can use anchor instead of position to find the index of an id within a large set of results.

The response has the following arguments:

The following additional errors may be returned instead of the Foo/query response:

anchorNotFound: An anchor argument was supplied, but it cannot be found in the results of the query.

unsupportedSort: The sort is syntactically valid, but it includes a property the server does not support sorting on or a collation method it does not recognise.

unsupportedFilter: The filter is syntactically valid, but the server cannot process it. If the filter was the result of a user’s search input, the client SHOULD suggest that the user simplify their search.


The Foo/queryChanges method allows a client to efficiently update the state of a cached query to match the new state on the server. It takes the following arguments:

The response has the following arguments:

The result of this is that if the client has a cached sparse array of Foo ids corresponding to the results in the old state, then:

fooIds = [ "id1", "id2", null, null, "id3", "id4", null, null, null ]

If it splices out all ids in the removed array that it has in its cached results, then:

removed = [ "id2", "id31", ... ];
fooIds => [ "id1", null, null, "id3", "id4", null, null, null ]

and splices in (one by one in order, starting with the lowest index) all of the ids in the added array:

added = [{ id: "id5", index: 0, ... }];
fooIds => [ "id5", "id1", null, null, "id3", "id4", null, null, null ]

and truncates or extends to the new total length, then the results will now be in the new state.

Note: splicing in adds the item at the given index, incrementing the index of all items previously at that or a higher index. Splicing out is the inverse, removing the item and decrementing the index of every item after it in the array.

The following additional errors may be returned instead of the Foo/queryChanges response:

tooManyChanges: There are more changes than the client’s maxChanges argument. Each item in the removed or added array is considered to be one change. The client may retry with higher max changes or invalidate its cache of the query results.

cannotCalculateChanges: The server cannot calculate the changes from the queryState string given by the client, usually due to the client’s state being too old. The client MUST invalidate its cache of the query results.


Suppose we have a type Todo with the following properties:

Suppose also that all the standard methods are defined for this type and the FilterCondition object supports a hasKeyword property to match Todos with the given keyword.

A client might want to display the list of Todos with either a “music” keyword or a “video” keyword, so it makes the following method call:

[[ "Todo/query", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "filter": {
    "operator": "OR",
    "conditions": [
      { "hasKeyword": "music" },
      { "hasKeyword": "video" }
  "sort": [{ "property": "title" }],
  "position": 0,
  "limit": 10
}, "0" ],
[ "Todo/get", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "#ids": {
    "resultOf": "0",
    "name": "Todo/query",
    "path": "/ids"
}, "1" ]]

This would query the server for the set of Todos with a keyword of either “music” or “video”, sorted by title, and limited to the first 10 results. It fetches the full object for each of these Todos using back-references to reference the result of the query. The response might look something like:

[[ "Todo/query", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "queryState": "y13213",
  "canCalculateChanges": true,
  "position": 0,
  "ids": [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" ]
}, "0" ],
[ "Todo/get", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "state": "10324",
  "list": [{
    "id": "a",
    "title": "Practise Piano",
    "keywords": {
      "music": true,
      "beethoven": true,
      "mozart": true,
      "liszt": true,
      "rachmaninov": true
    "neuralNetworkTimeEstimation": 3600
  }, {
    "id": "b",
    "title": "Watch Daft Punk music video",
    "keywords": {
      "music": true,
      "video": true,
      "trance": true
    "neuralNetworkTimeEstimation": 18000
}, "1" ]]

Now, suppose the user adds a keyword “chopin” and removes the keyword “mozart” from the “Practise Piano” task. The client may send the whole object to the server, as this is a valid PatchObject:

[[ "Todo/set", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "ifInState": "10324",
  "update": {
    "a": {
      "id": "a",
      "title": "Practise Piano",
      "keywords": {
        "music": true,
        "beethoven": true,
        "chopin": true,
        "liszt": true,
        "rachmaninov": true
      "neuralNetworkTimeEstimation": 360
}, "0" ]]

or it may send a minimal patch:

[[ "Todo/set", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "ifInState": "10324",
  "update": {
    "a": {
      "keywords/chopin": true,
      "keywords/mozart": null
}, "0" ]]

The effect is exactly the same on the server in either case, and presuming the server is still in state “10324”, it will probably return success:

[[ "Todo/set", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "oldState": "10324",
  "newState": "10329",
  "updated": {
    "a": {
      "neuralNetworkTimeEstimation": 5400
}, "0" ]]

The server changed the “neuralNetworkTimeEstimation” property on the object as part of this change; as this changed in a way not explicitly requested by the PatchObject sent to the server, it is returned with the “updated” confirmation.

Let us now add a sub-Todo to our new “Practise Piano” Todo. In this example, we can see the use of a reference to a creation id to allow us to set a foreign key reference to a record created in the same request:

[[ "Todo/set", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "create": {
    "k15": {
      "title": "Warm up with scales"
  "update": {
    "a": {
      "subTodoIds": [ "#k15" ]
}, "0" ]]

Now, suppose another user deleted the “Listen to Daft Punk” Todo. The first user will receive a push notification (see Section 7) with the changed state string for the “Todo” type. Since the new string does not match its current state, it knows it needs to check for updates. It may make a request like:

[[ "Todo/changes", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "sinceState": "10324",
  "maxChanges": 50
}, "0" ],
[ "Todo/queryChanges", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "filter": {
    "operator": "OR",
    "conditions": [
      { "hasKeyword": "music" },
      { "hasKeyword": "video" }
  "sort": [{ "property": "title" }],
  "sinceQueryState": "y13213",
  "maxChanges": 50
}, "1" ]]

and receive in response:

[[ "Todo/changes", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "oldState": "10324",
  "newState": "871903",
  "hasMoreChanges": false,
  "created": [],
  "updated": [],
  "destroyed": ["b"]
}, "0" ],
[ "Todo/queryChanges", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "oldQueryState": "y13213",
  "newQueryState": "y13218",
  "removed": ["b"],
  "added": null
}, "1" ]]

Suppose the user has access to another account y, for example, a team account shared between multiple users. To move an existing Todo from account x, the client would call:

[[ "Todo/copy", {
  "fromAccountId": "x",
  "accountId": "y",
  "create": {
    "k5122": {
      "id": "a"
  "onSuccessDestroyOriginal": true
}, "0" ]]

The server successfully copies the Todo to a new account (where it receives a new id) and deletes the original. Due to the implicit call to “Todo/set”, there are two responses to the single method call, both with the same method call id:

[[ "Todo/copy", {
  "fromAccountId": "x",
  "accountId": "y",
  "created": {
    "k5122": {
      "id": "DAf97"
  "oldState": "c1d64ecb038c",
  "newState": "33844835152b"
}, "0" ],
[ "Todo/set", {
  "accountId": "x",
  "oldState": "871903",
  "newState": "871909",
  "destroyed": [ "a" ],
}, "0" ]]

Proxy Considerations

JMAP has been designed to allow an API endpoint to easily proxy through to one or more JMAP servers. This may be useful for load balancing, augmenting capabilities, or presenting a single endpoint to accounts hosted on different JMAP servers (splitting the request based on each method’s “accountId” argument). The proxy need only understand the general structure of a JMAP Request object; it does not need to know anything specifically about the methods and arguments it will pass through to other servers.

If splitting up the methods in a request to call them on different backend servers, the proxy must do two things to ensure back-references and creation-id references resolve the same as if the entire request were processed on a single server:

  1. It must pass a createdIds property with each subrequest. If this is not given by the client, an empty object should be used for the first subrequest. The createdIds property of each subresponse should be passed on in the next subrequest.

  2. It must resolve back-references to previous method results that were processed on a different server. This is a relatively simple syntactic substitution, described in Section 3.7.

When splitting a request based on accountId, proxy implementors do need to be aware of /copy methods that copy between accounts. If the accounts are on different servers, the proxy will have to implement this functionality directly.

Binary Data

Binary data is referenced by a blobId in JMAP and uploaded/downloaded separately to the core API. The blobId solely represents the raw bytes of data, not any associated metadata such as a file name or content type. Such metadata is stored alongside the blobId in the object referencing it. The data represented by a blobId is immutable.

Any blobId that exists within an account may be used when creating/updating another object in that account. For example, an Email type may have a blobId that represents the object in Internet Message Format [@!RFC5322]. A client could create a new Email object with an attachment and use this blobId, in effect attaching the old message to the new one. Similarly, it could attach any existing attachment of an old message without having to download and upload it again.

When the client uses a blobId in a create/update, the server MAY assign a new blobId to refer to the same binary data within the new/updated object. If it does so, it MUST return any properties that contain a changed blobId in the created/updated response, so the client gets the new ids.

A blob that is not referenced by a JMAP object (e.g., as a message attachment) MAY be deleted by the server to free up resources. Uploads (see below) are initially unreferenced blobs. To ensure interoperability:

Uploading Binary Data

There is a single endpoint that handles all file uploads for an account, regardless of what they are to be used for. The Session object (see Section 2) has an uploadUrl property in URI Template (level 1) format [@!RFC6570], which MUST contain a variable called accountId. The client may use this template in combination with an accountId to get the URL of the file upload resource.

To upload a file, the client submits an authenticated POST request to the file upload resource.

A successful request MUST return a single JSON object with the following properties as the response:

If identical binary content to an existing blob in the account is uploaded, the existing blobId MAY be returned.

Clients should use the blobId returned in a timely manner. Under rare circumstances, the server may have deleted the blob before the client uses it; the client should keep a reference to the local file so it can upload it again in such a situation.

When an HTTP error response is returned to the client, the server SHOULD return a JSON “problem details” object as the response body, as per [@!RFC7807].

As access controls are often determined by the object holding the reference to a blob, unreferenced blobs MUST only be accessible to the uploader, even in shared accounts.

Downloading Binary Data

The Session object (see Section 2) has a downloadUrl property, which is in URI Template (level 1) format [@!RFC6570]. The URL MUST contain variables called accountId, blobId, type, and name.

To download a file, the client makes an authenticated GET request to the download URL with the appropriate variables substituted in:

As the data for a particular blobId is immutable, and thus the response in the generated download URL is too, implementors are recommended to set long cache times and use the “immutable” Cache-Control extension [@?RFC8246] for successful responses, for example, Cache-Control: private, immutable, max-age=31536000.

When an HTTP error response is returned to the client, the server SHOULD return a JSON “problem details” object as the response body, as per [@!RFC7807].


Binary data may be copied between two different accounts using the Blob/copy method rather than having to download and then reupload on the client.

The Blob/copy method takes the following arguments:

The response has the following arguments:

The SetError may be any of the standard set errors that may be returned for a create, as defined in Section 5.3. In addition, the notFound SetError error may be returned if the blobId to be copied cannot be found.

The following additional method-level error may be returned instead of the Blob/copy response:

fromAccountNotFound: The fromAccountId included with the request does not correspond to a valid account.


Push notifications allow clients to efficiently update (almost) instantly to stay in sync with data changes on the server. The general model for push is simple and sends minimal data over the push channel: just enough for the client to know whether it needs to resync. The format allows multiple changes to be coalesced into a single push update and the frequency of pushes to be rate limited by the server. It doesn’t matter if some push events are dropped before they reach the client; the next time it gets/sets any records of a changed type, it will discover the data has changed and still sync all changes.

There are two different mechanisms by which a client can receive push notifications, to allow for the different environments in which a client may exist. An event source resource (see Section 7.3) allows clients that can hold transport connections open to receive push notifications directly from the JMAP server. This is simple and avoids third parties, but it is often not feasible on constrained platforms such as mobile devices. Alternatively, clients can make use of any push service supported by their environment. A URL for the push service is registered with the JMAP server (see Section 7.2), then the server then POSTs each notification to that URL. The push service is then responsible for routing these to the client.

The StateChange Object

When something changes on the server, the server pushes a StateChange object to the client. A StateChange object has the following properties:


In this example, the server has amalgamated a few changes together across two different accounts the user has access to, before pushing the following StateChange object to the client:

  "@type": "StateChange",
  "changed": {
    "a3123": {
      "Email": "d35ecb040aab",
      "EmailDelivery": "428d565f2440",
      "CalendarEvent": "87accfac587a"
    "a43461d": {
      "Mailbox": "0af7a512ce70",
      "CalendarEvent": "7a4297cecd76"

The client can compare the state strings with its current state for the Email, CalendarEvent, etc., object types in the appropriate accounts to see if it needs to fetch changes.

If the client is itself making changes, it may receive a StateChange object while the /set API call is in flight. It can wait until the call completes and then compare if the new state string after the /set is the same as was pushed in the StateChange object; if so, and the old state of the /set response matches the client’s previous state, it does not need to waste a request asking for changes it already knows.


Clients may create a PushSubscription to register a URL with the JMAP server. The JMAP server will then make an HTTP POST request to this URL for each push notification it wishes to send to the client.

As a push subscription causes the JMAP server to make a number of requests to a previously unknown endpoint, it can be used as a vector for launching a denial-of-service attack. To prevent this, when a subscription is created, the JMAP server immediately sends a PushVerification object to that URL (see Section 7.2.2). The JMAP server MUST NOT make any further requests to the URL until the client receives the push and updates the subscription with the correct verification code.

A PushSubscription object has the following properties:

The POST request MUST have a content type of application/json and contain the UTF-8 JSON-encoded object as the body. The request MUST have a TTL header and MAY have Urgency and/or Topic headers, as specified in Section 5 of [@!RFC8030]. The JMAP server is expected to understand and handle HTTP status responses in a reasonable manner. A 429 (Too Many Requests) response MUST cause the JMAP server to reduce the frequency of pushes; the JMAP push structure allows multiple changes to be coalesced into a single minimal StateChange object. See the security considerations in Section 8.6 for a discussion of the risks in connecting to unknown servers.

The JMAP server acts as an application server as defined in [@!RFC8030]. A client MAY use the rest of [@!RFC8030] in combination with its own push service to form a complete end-to-end solution, or MAY rely on alternative mechanisms to ensure the delivery of the pushed data after it leaves the JMAP server.

The push subscription is tied to the credentials used to authenticate the API request that created it. Should these credentials expire or be revoked, the push subscription MUST be destroyed by the JMAP server. Only subscriptions created by these credentials are returned when the client fetches existing subscriptions.

When these credentials have their own expiry (i.e., it is a session with a timeout), the server SHOULD NOT set or bound the expiry time for the push subscription given by the client but MUST expire it when the session expires.

When these credentials are not time bounded (e.g., Basic Authentication [@!RFC7617]), the server SHOULD set an expiry time for the push subscription if none is given and limit the expiry time if set too far in the future. This maximum expiry time MUST be at least 48 hours in the future and SHOULD be at least 7 days in the future. An app running on a mobile device may only be able to refresh the push subscription lifetime when it is in the foreground, so this gives a reasonable time frame to allow this to happen.

In the case of separate access and refresh credentials, as in Oauth 2.0 [@!RFC6749], the server SHOULD tie the push subscription to the validity of the refresh token rather than the access token and behave according to whether this is time-limited or not.

When a push subscription is destroyed, the server MUST securely erase the URL and encryption keys from memory and storage as soon as possible.


Standard /get method as described in Section 5.1, except it does not take or return an accountId argument, as push subscriptions are not tied to specific accounts. It also does not return a state argument. The ids argument may be null to fetch all at once.

The server MUST only return push subscriptions that were created using the same authentication credentials as for this PushSubscription/get request.

As the url and keys properties may contain data that is private to a particular device, the values for these properties MUST NOT be returned. If the properties argument is null or omitted, the server MUST default to all properties excluding these two. If one of them is explicitly requested, the method call MUST be rejected with a forbidden error.


Standard /set method as described in Section 5.3, except it does not take or return an accountId argument, as push subscriptions are not tied to specific accounts. It also does not take an ifInState argument or return oldState or newState arguments.

The url and keys properties are immutable; if the client wishes to change these, it must destroy the current push subscription and create a new one.

When a PushSubscription is created, the server MUST immediately push a PushVerification object to the URL. It has the following properties:

The client MUST update the push subscription with the correct verification code before the server makes any further requests to the subscription’s URL. Attempts to update the subscription with an invalid verification code MUST be rejected by the server with an invalidProperties SetError.

The client may update the expires property to extend (or, less commonly, shorten) the lifetime of a push subscription. The server MAY modify the proposed new expiry time to enforce server-defined limits. Extending the lifetime does not require the subscription to be verified again.

Clients SHOULD NOT update or destroy a push subscription that they did not create (i.e., has a deviceClientId that they do not recognise).


At 2018-07-06T02:14:29Z, a client with deviceClientId a889-ffea-910 fetches the set of push subscriptions currently on the server, making an API request with:

[[ "PushSubscription/get", {
  "ids": null
}, "0" ]]

Which returns:

[[ "PushSubscription/get", {
  "list": [{
      "id": "e50b2c1d-9553-41a3-b0a7-a7d26b599ee1",
      "deviceClientId": "b37ff8001ca0",
      "verificationCode": "b210ef734fe5f439c1ca386421359f7b",
      "expires": "2018-07-31T00:13:21Z",
      "types": [ "Todo" ]
  }, {
      "id": "f2d0aab5-e976-4e8b-ad4b-b380a5b987e4",
      "deviceClientId": "X8980fc",
      "verificationCode": "f3d4618a9ae15c8b7f5582533786d531",
      "expires": "2018-07-12T05:55:00Z",
      "types": [ "Mailbox", "Email", "EmailDelivery" ]
  "notFound": []
}, "0" ]]

Since neither of the returned push subscription objects have the client’s deviceClientId, it knows it does not have a current push subscription active on the server. So it creates one, sending this request:

[[ "PushSubscription/set", {
  "create": {
    "4f29": {
      "deviceClientId": "a889-ffea-910",
      "url": "",
      "types": null
}, "0" ]]

The server creates the push subscription but limits the expiry time to 7 days in the future, returning this response:

[[ "PushSubscription/set", {
  "created": {
    "4f29": {
      "id": "P43dcfa4-1dd4-41ef-9156-2c89b3b19c60",
      "keys": null,
      "expires": "2018-07-13T02:14:29Z"
}, "0" ]]

The server also immediately makes a POST request to with the data:

  "@type": "PushVerification",
  "pushSubscriptionId": "P43dcfa4-1dd4-41ef-9156-2c89b3b19c60",
  "verificationCode": "da1f097b11ca17f06424e30bf02bfa67"

The client receives this and updates the subscription with the verification code (note there is a potential race condition here; the client MUST be able to handle receiving the push while the request creating the subscription is still in progress):

[[ "PushSubscription/set", {
  "update": {
    "P43dcfa4-1dd4-41ef-9156-2c89b3b19c60": {
      "verificationCode": "da1f097b11ca17f06424e30bf02bfa67"
}, "0" ]]

The server confirms the update was successful and will now make requests to the registered URL when the state changes.

Two days later, the client updates the subscription to extend its lifetime, sending this request:

[[ "PushSubscription/set", {
  "update": {
    "P43dcfa4-1dd4-41ef-9156-2c89b3b19c60": {
      "expires": "2018-08-13T00:00:00Z"
}, "0" ]]

The server extends the expiry time, but only again to its maximum limit of 7 days in the future, returning this response:

[[ "PushSubscription/set", {
  "updated": {
    "P43dcfa4-1dd4-41ef-9156-2c89b3b19c60": {
      "expires": "2018-07-15T02:22:50Z"
}, "0" ]]

Event Source

Clients that can hold transport connections open can connect directly to the JMAP server to receive push notifications via a text/event-stream resource, as described in EventSource. This is a long running HTTP request, where the server can push data to the client by appending data without ending the response.

When a change occurs in the data on the server, it pushes an event called state to any connected clients, with the StateChange object as the data.

The server SHOULD also send a new event id that encodes the entire server state visible to the user immediately after sending a state event. When a new connection is made to the event-source endpoint, a client following the server-sent events specification will send a Last-Event-ID HTTP header field with the last id it saw, which the server can use to work out whether the client has missed some changes. If so, it SHOULD send these changes immediately on connection.

The Session object (see Section 2) has an eventSourceUrl property, which is in URI Template (level 1) format [@!RFC6570]. The URL MUST contain variables called types, closeafter, and ping.

To connect to the resource, the client makes an authenticated GET request to the event-source URL with the appropriate variables substituted in:

A client MAY hold open multiple connections to the event-source resource, although it SHOULD try to use a single connection for efficiency.

Security Considerations

Transport Confidentiality

To ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data sent and received via JMAP, all requests MUST use TLS 1.2 [@!RFC5246] [@!RFC8446] or later, following the recommendations in [@!RFC7525]. Servers SHOULD support TLS 1.3 [@!RFC8446] or later.

Clients MUST validate TLS certificate chains to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks [@!RFC5280].

Authentication Scheme

A number of HTTP authentication schemes have been standardised (see Servers should take care to assess the security characteristics of different schemes in relation to their needs when deciding what to implement.

Use of the Basic authentication scheme is NOT RECOMMENDED. Services that choose to use it are strongly recommended to require generation of a unique “app password” via some external mechanism for each client they wish to connect. This allows connections from different devices to be differentiated by the server and access to be individually revoked.

Service Autodiscovery

Unless secured by something like DNSSEC, autodiscovery of server details using SRV DNS records is vulnerable to a DNS poisoning attack, which can lead to the client talking to an attacker’s server instead of the real JMAP server. The attacker may then intercept requests to execute man-in-the-middle attacks and, depending on the authentication scheme, steal credentials to generate its own requests.

Clients that do not support SRV lookups are likely to try just using the /.well-known/jmap path directly against the domain of the username over HTTPS. Servers SHOULD ensure this path resolves or redirects to the correct JMAP Session resource to allow this to work. If this is not feasible, servers MUST ensure this path cannot be controlled by an attacker, as again it may be used to steal credentials.

JSON Parsing

The Security Considerations of [@!RFC8259] apply to the use of JSON as the data interchange format.

As for any serialization format, parsers need to thoroughly check the syntax of the supplied data. JSON uses opening and closing tags for several types and structures, and it is possible that the end of supplied data will be reached when scanning for a matching closing tag; this is an error condition, and implementations need to stop scanning at the end of the supplied data.

JSON also uses a string encoding with some escape sequences to encode special characters within a string. Care is needed when processing these escape sequences to ensure that they are fully formed before the special processing is triggered, with special care taken when the escape sequences appear adjacent to other (non-escaped) special characters or adjacent to the end of data (as in the previous paragraph).

If parsing JSON into a non-textual structured data format, implementations may need to allocate storage to hold JSON string elements.  Since JSON does not use explicit string lengths, the risk of denial of service due to resource exhaustion is small, but implementations may still wish to place limits on the size of allocations they are willing to make in any given context, to avoid untrusted data causing excessive memory allocation.

Denial of Service

A small request may result in a very large response and require considerable work on the server if resource limits are not enforced. JMAP provides mechanisms for advertising and enforcing a wide variety of limits for mitigating this threat, including limits on the number of objects fetched in a single method call, number of methods in a single request, number of concurrent requests, etc.

JMAP servers MUST implement sensible limits to mitigate against resource exhaustion attacks.

Connection to Unknown Push Server

When a push subscription is registered, the application server will make POST requests to the given URL. There are a number of security considerations that MUST be considered when implementing this.

The server MUST ensure the URL is externally resolvable to avoid server-side request forgery, where the server makes a request to a resource on its internal network.

A malicious client may use the push subscription to attempt to flood a third party server with requests, creating a denial-of-service attack and masking the attacker’s true identity. There is no guarantee that the URL given to the JMAP server is actually a valid push server. Upon creation of a push subscription, the JMAP server sends a PushVerification object to the URL and MUST NOT send any further requests until the client verifies it has received the initial push. The verification code MUST contain sufficient entropy to prevent the client from being able to verify the subscription via brute force.

The verification code does not guarantee the URL is a valid push server, only that the client is able to access the data submitted to it. While the verification step significantly reduces the set of potential targets, there is still a risk that the server is unrelated to the client and being targeted for a denial-of-service attack.

The server MUST limit the number of push subscriptions any one user may have to ensure the user cannot cause the server to send a large number of push notifications at once, which could again be used as part of a denial-of-service attack. The rate of creation MUST also be limited to minimise the ability to abuse the verification request as an attack vector.

Push Encryption

When data changes, a small object is pushed with the new state strings for the types that have changed. While the data here is minimal, a passive man-in-the-middle attacker may be able to gain useful information. To ensure confidentiality and integrity, if the push is sent via a third party outside of the control of the client and JMAP server, the client MUST specify encryption keys when establishing the PushSubscription and ignore any push notification received that is not encrypted with those keys.

The privacy and security considerations of [@!RFC8030] and [@!RFC8291] also apply to the use of the PushSubscription mechanism.

As there is no crypto algorithm agility in Web Push Encryption [@!RFC8291], a new specification will be needed to provide this if new algorithms are required in the future.

Traffic Analysis

While the data is encrypted, a passive observer with the ability to monitor network traffic may be able to glean information from the timing of API requests and push notifications. For example, suppose an email or calendar invitation is sent from User A (hosted on Server X) to User B (hosted on Server Y). If Server X hosts data for many users, a passive observer can see that the two servers connected but does not know who the data was for. However, if a push notification is immediately sent to User B and the attacker can observe this as well, they may reasonably conclude that someone on Server X is connecting to User B.

IANA Considerations

Assignment of jmap Service Name

IANA has assigned the ‘jmap’ service name in the “Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry” [@!RFC6335].

Service Name: jmap

Transport Protocol(s): tcp

Assignee: IESG

Contact: IETF Chair

Description: JSON Meta Application Protocol

Reference: [@!RFC8620]

Assignment Notes: This service name was previously assigned under the name JSON Mail Access Protocol. This has been de-assigned and re-assigned with the approval of the previous assignee.

Registration of Well-Known URI suffix for JMAP

IANA has registered the following suffix in the “Well-Known URIs” registry for JMAP, as described in [@!RFC8615]:

URI Suffix: jmap

Change Controller: IETF

Specification Document: [@!RFC8620], Section 2.2.

Registration of the jmap URN Sub-namespace

IANA has registered the following URN sub-namespace in the “IETF URN Sub-namespace for Registered Protocol Parameter Identifiers” registry within the “Uniform Resource Name (URN) Namespace for IETF Use” registry as described in [@!RFC3553].

Registered Parameter Identifier: jmap

Reference: [@!RFC8620], Section 9.4

IANA Registry Reference:

Creation of “JMAP Capabilities” Registry

IANA has created the “JMAP Capabilities” registry as described in Section 2. JMAP capabilities are advertised in the capabilities property of the Session object. They are used to extend the functionality of a JMAP server. A capability is referenced by a URI. The JMAP capability URI can be a URN starting with urn:ietf:params:jmap: plus a unique suffix that is the index value in the jmap URN sub-namespace. Registration of a JMAP capability with another form of URI has no impact on the jmap URN sub-namespace.

This registry follows the expert review process unless the “intended use” field is common or placeholder, in which case registration follows the specification required process.

A JMAP capability registration can have an intended use of common, placeholder, limited, or obsolete. IANA will list common-use registrations prominently and separately from those with other intended use values.

The JMAP capability registration procedure is not a formal standards process but rather an administrative procedure intended to allow community comment and sanity checking without excessive time delay.

A placeholder registration reserves part of the jmap URN namespace for another purpose but is typically not included in the capabilities property of the Session object.

Preliminary Community Review

Notice of a potential JMAP common-use registration SHOULD be sent to the JMAP mailing list for review. This mailing list is appropriate to solicit community feedback on a proposed JMAP capability. Registrations that are not intended for common use MAY be sent to the list for review as well; doing so is entirely OPTIONAL, but is encouraged.

The intent of the public posting to this list is to solicit comments and feedback on the choice of the capability name, the unambiguity of the specification document, and a review of any interoperability or security considerations. The submitter may submit a revised registration proposal or abandon the registration completely at any time.

Submit Request to IANA

Registration requests can be sent to

Designated Expert Review

For a limited-use registration, the primary concern of the designated expert (DE) is preventing name collisions and encouraging the submitter to document security and privacy considerations; a published specification is not required. For a common-use registration, the DE is expected to confirm that suitable documentation, as described in Section 4.6 of [@!RFC8126], is available. The DE should also verify that the capability does not conflict with work that is active or already published within the IETF.

Before a period of 30 days has passed, the DE will either approve or deny the registration request and publish a notice of the decision to the JMAP WG mailing list or its successor, as well as inform IANA. A denial notice must be justified by an explanation, and, in the cases where it is possible, concrete suggestions on how the request can be modified so as to become acceptable should be provided.

If the DE does not respond within 30 days, the registrant may request the IESG take action to process the request in a timely manner.

Change Procedures

Once a JMAP capability has been published by the IANA, the change controller may request a change to its definition. The same procedure that would be appropriate for the original registration request is used to process a change request.

JMAP capability registrations may not be deleted; capabilities that are no longer believed appropriate for use can be declared obsolete by a change to their “intended use” field; such capabilities will be clearly marked in the lists published by the IANA.

Significant changes to a capability’s definition should be requested only when there are serious omissions or errors in the published specification. When review is required, a change request may be denied if it renders entities that were valid under the previous definition invalid under the new definition.

The owner of a JMAP capability may pass responsibility to another person or agency by informing the IANA; this can be done without discussion or review.

The IESG may reassign responsibility for a JMAP capability. The most common case of this will be to enable changes to be made to capabilities where the author of the registration has died, moved out of contact, or is otherwise unable to make changes that are important to the community.

JMAP Capabilities Registry Template:

Capability name: (see capability property in Section 2)

Specification document:

Intended use: (one of common, limited, placeholder, or obsolete)

Change controller: (IETF for Standards Track / BCP RFCs)

Security and privacy considerations:

Initial Registration for JMAP Core

Capability Name: urn:ietf:params:jmap:core

Specification document: [@!RFC8620], Section 2

Intended use: common

Change Controller: IETF

Security and privacy considerations: [@!RFC8620], Section 8.

Registration for JMAP Error Placeholder in JMAP Capabilities Registry

Capability Name: urn:ietf:params:jmap:error:

Specification document: [@!RFC8620], Section 9.5

Intended use: placeholder

Change Controller: IETF

Security and privacy considerations: [@!RFC8620], Section 8.

Creation of “JMAP Error Codes” registry

IANA has created the “JMAP Error Codes” registry. JMAP error codes appear in the “type” member of a JSON problem details object (as described in Section 3.6.1), the “type” member in a JMAP error object (as described in Section 3.6.2), or the “type” member of a JMAP method-specific error object (such as SetError in Section 5.3). When used in a problem details object, the prefix “urn:ietf:params:jmap:error:” is always included; when used in JMAP objects, the prefix is always omitted.

This registry follows the expert review process. Preliminary community review for this registry follows the same procedures as the “JMAP Capabilities” registry but it is optional. The change procedures for this registry are the same as the change procedures for the “JMAP Capabilities” registry.

Designated Expert Review

The designated expert should review the following aspects of the registration:

  1. Verify the error code does not conflict with existing names.

  2. Verify the error code follows the syntax limitations (does not require URI encoding).

  3. Encourage the submitter to follow the naming convention of previously registered errors.

  4. Encourage the submitter to describe client behaviours that are recommended in response to the error code. These may distinguish the error code from other error codes.

  5. Encourage the submitter to describe when the server should issue the error as opposed to some other error code.

  6. Encourage the submitter to note any security considerations associated with the error, if any (e.g., an error code that might disclose existence of data the authenticated user does not have permission to know about).

Steps 3-6 are meant to promote a higher-quality registry. However, the expert is encouraged to approve any registration that would not actively harm JMAP interoperability to make this a relatively lightweight process.

JMAP Error Codes Registry Template:

JMAP Error Code:

Intended use: (one of common, limited, obsolete)

Change Controller: (IETF for Standards Track / BCP RFCs)

Reference: (Optional. Only required if defined in an RFC.)


Initial Contents for the JMAP Error Codes

JMAP Error Code Intended Use Change Controller Reference Description
accountNotFound common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 The accountId does not correspond to a valid account.
accountNotSupportedByMethod common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 The accountId given corresponds to a valid account, but the account does not support this method or data type.
accountReadOnly common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 This method modifies state, but the account is read-only (as returned on the corresponding Account in the Session object).
anchorNotFound common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.5 An anchor argument was supplied, but it cannot be found in the results of the query.
alreadyExists common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.4 The server forbids duplicates, and the record already exists in the target account. An existingId property of type Id MUST be included on the SetError object with the id of the existing record.
cannotCalculateChanges common IETF [@!RFC8620] sections 5.2 and 5.6 The server cannot calculate the changes from the state string given by the client.
forbidden common IETF [@!RFC8620] sections 3.5.2, 5.3, and 7.2.1 The action would violate an ACL or other permissions policy.
fromAccountNotFound common IETF [@!RFC8620] sections 5.4 and 6.3 The fromAccountId does not correspond to a valid account.
fromAccountNotSupportedByMethod common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.4 The fromAccountId given corresponds to a valid account, but the account does not support this data type.
invalidArguments common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 One of the arguments is of the wrong type or otherwise invalid, or a required argument is missing.
invalidPatch common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 The PatchObject given to update the record was not a valid patch.
invalidProperties common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 The record given is invalid.
notFound common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 The id given cannot be found.
notJSON common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.1 The content type of the request was not application/json or the request did not parse as I-JSON.
notRequest common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.1 The request parsed as JSON but did not match the type signature of the Request object.
overQuota common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 The create would exceed a server-defined limit on the number or total size of objects of this type.
rateLimit common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 Too many objects of this type have been created recently, and a server-defined rate limit has been reached. It may work if tried again later.
requestTooLarge common IETF [@!RFC8620] sections 5.1 and 5.3 The total number of actions exceeds the maximum number the server is willing to process in a single method call.
invalidResultReference common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 The method used a result reference for one of its arguments, but this failed to resolve.
serverFail common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 An unexpected or unknown error occurred during the processing of the call. The method call made no changes to the server’s state.
serverPartialFail limited IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 Some, but not all, expected changes described by the method occurred. The client MUST re-synchronise impacted data to determine server state. Use of this error is strongly discouraged.
serverUnavailable common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 Some internal server resource was temporarily unavailable. Attempting the same operation later (perhaps after a backoff with a random factor) may succeed.
singleton common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 This is a singleton type, so you cannot create another one or destroy the existing one.
stateMismatch common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 An ifInState argument was supplied, and it does not match the current state.
tooLarge common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 The action would result in an object that exceeds a server-defined limit for the maximum size of a single object of this type.
tooManyChanges common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.6 There are more changes than the client’s maxChanges argument.
unknownCapability common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.1 The client included a capability in the “using” property of the request that the server does not support.
unknownMethod common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 3.6.2 The server does not recognise this method name.
unsupportedFilter common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.5 The filter is syntactically valid, but the server cannot process it.
unsupportedSort common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.5 The sort is syntactically valid, but includes a property the server does not support sorting on, or a collation method it does not recognise.
willDestroy common IETF [@!RFC8620] Section 5.3 The client requested an object be both updated and destroyed in the same /set request, and the server has decided to therefore ignore the update.