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JMAP Quotas

This specification defines a data model for handling quotas, allowing you to read and explain quota information using JMAP.


JMAP ([@!RFC8620] – JSON Meta Application Protocol) is a generic protocol for synchronising data, such as mails, calendars or contacts, between a client and a server. It is optimised for mobile and web environments, and aims to provide a consistent interface to different data types.

This specification defines a data model for handling quotas over JMAP, allowing a user to obtain details about a certain quota.

This specification does not address quota administration, which should be handled by other means.

Notational conventions

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [@!RFC2119] [@!RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Type signatures, examples and property descriptions in this document follow the conventions established in section 1.1 of [@!RFC8620]. Data types defined in the core specification are also used in this document.


This document reuses the terminology from the core JMAP specification established in section 1.6 of [@!RFC8620].

The term Quota (when capitalized) is used to refer to the data type defined in this document in (#quota) and instance of that data type.

Addition to the capabilities object

The capabilities object is returned as part of the JMAP Session object; see [@!RFC8620], section 2.

This document defines one additional capability URI.


This represents support for the Quota data type and associated API methods. Servers supporting this specification MUST add a property called urn:ietf:params:jmap:quota to the capabilities object.

The value of this property is an empty object in both the JMAP session capabilities property and an account’s accountCapabilities property.

Sub-types of the Quota data type

There are two fields within the Quota datatype which have an enumerated set of possible values. These are:


The Scope data type is used to represent the entities the Quota applies to. It is defined as a “String” with values from the following set:


The ResourceType data type is used to act as a unit of measure for the quota usage. It is defined as a “String” with values from the following set:


The quota is an object that displays the limit set to an account usage. It then shows as well the current usage in regard to that limit.

Properties of the quota object

The quota object MUST contain the following fields:

The server MUST filter out any types for which the client did not request the associated capability in the “using” section of the request. Further, the server MUST NOT return Quota objects for which there are no types recognised by the client.

The quota object MAY contain the following fields:

The following JMAP methods are supported.


Standard “/get” method as described in [@!RFC8620] section 5.1. The ids argument may be “null” to fetch all Quotas of the account at once, as demonstrated in this document in (#fetching-quotas).


Standard “/changes” method as described in [@!RFC8620] section 5.2 but with one extra argument in the response:

Since “used” frequently changes but other properties are generally only changed rarely, the server can help the client optimise data transfer by keeping track of changes to Quota usage separate from other state changes. The updatedProperties array may be used directly via a back-reference in a subsequent Quota/get call in the same request, so only these properties are returned if nothing else has changed.

Servers MAY decide to add other properties to the list that they judge to be changing frequently.

This method’s usage is demonstrated in this document at (#requesting-latest-quota-changes).


This is a standard “/query” method as described in [@!RFC8620], Section 5.5.

A FilterCondition object has the following properties, any of which may be included or omitted:

A Quota object matches the FilterCondition if and only if all the given conditions match. If zero properties are specified, it is automatically true for all objects.

The following Quota properties MUST be supported for sorting:


This is a standard “/queryChanges” method as described in [@!RFC8620], Section 5.6.


Fetching quotas

Request fetching all quotas related to an account :

[[ "Quota/get", {
  "accountId": "u33084183",
  "ids": null
}, "0" ]]

With response :

[[ "Quota/get", {
  "accountId": "u33084183",
  "state": "78540",
  "list": [{
    "id": "2a06df0d-9865-4e74-a92f-74dcc814270e",
    "resourceType": "count",
    "used": 1056,
    "warnLimit": 1600,
    "softLimit": 1800,
    "hardLimit": 2000,
    "scope": "account",
    "name": "",
    "description": "Personal account usage. When the soft limit is reached, the user is not allowed to send mails or create contacts and calendar events anymore.",
    "types" : [ "Mail", "Calendar", "Contact" ]
  }, {
    "id": "3b06df0e-3761-4s74-a92f-74dcc963501x",
    "resourceType": "octets",
  }, ...],
  "notFound": []
}, "0" ]]

Requesting latest quota changes

Request fetching the changes for a specific quota:

[[ "Quota/changes", {
  "accountId": "u33084183",
  "sinceState": "78540",
  "maxChanges": 20
}, "0" ],
[ "Quota/get", {
  "accountId": "u33084183",
  "#ids": {
    "resultOf": "0",
    "name": "Quota/changes",
    "path": "/updated"
  "#properties": {
    "resultOf": "0",
    "name": "Quota/changes",
    "path": "/updatedProperties"
}, "1" ]]

With response:

[[ "Quota/changes", {
  "accountId": "u33084183",
  "oldState": "78540",
  "newState": "78542",
  "hasMoreChanges": false,
  "updatedProperties": ["used"],
  "created": [],
  "updated": ["2a06df0d-9865-4e74-a92f-74dcc814270e"],
  "destroyed": []
}, "0" ],
[ "Quota/get", {
  "accountId": "u33084183",
  "state": "10826",
  "list": [{
    "id": "2a06df0d-9865-4e74-a92f-74dcc814270e",
    "used": 1246
  "notFound": []
}, "1" ]]


Servers MUST support the JMAP push mechanisms, as specified in [@!RFC8620] Section 7, to allow clients to receive notifications when the state changes for the Quota type defined in this specification.

Security considerations

All security considerations of JMAP ([@!RFC8620]) apply to this specification.

Implementors should be careful to make sure the implementation of the extension specified in this document does not violate the site’s security policy. The resource usage of other users is likely to be considered confidential information and should not be divulged to unauthorized persons.

As for any resource shared across users (for example, a quota with the “domain” or “global” scope), a user that can consume the resource can affect the resources available to the other users. For example, a user could spam themselves with events and make the shared resource hit the limit and unusable for others (implementors could mitigate that with some rate limiting implementation on the server).

Also, revealing domain and global quota counts to all users may cause privacy leakage of other sensitive data, or at least the existence of other sensitive data. For example, some users are part of a private list belonging to the server, so they shouldn’t know how many users are in there. But by comparing the quota count before and after sending a message to the list, it could reveal the number of people of the list, as the domain or global quota count would go up by the number of people subscribed. In order to limit those attacks, quotas with “domain” or “global” scope SHOULD only be visible to server administrators and not to general users.

IANA Considerations

JMAP Capability Registration for “quota”

IANA will register the “quota” JMAP Capability as follows:

Capability Name: “urn:ietf:params:jmap:quota”

Specification document: this document

Intended use: common

Change Controller: IETF

Security and privacy considerations: this document, (#security-considerations).

JMAP Datatype Registration for “Quota”

IANA will register the “Quota” Data Type as follows:

Type Name: “Quota”

Can reference blobs: No

Can use for state change: Yes

Capability: “urn:ietf:params:jmap:quota”

Reference: this document